The above calculator is for informational purposes only, it should not be considered medical advice.
Based on below study (80 patients aged 65 and older):
Ikemoto T, Hirasawa A, Kojima S, Arai YC, Deie M. Two key symptoms for detecting vertebral compression fracture among elderly people with acute low back pain. Spine Surg Relat Res. 2022;6(5):512-517.
Physical Exam Signs
Closed-fist percussion sign (87.5 sensitive, 90% specific)
The examiner stands behind the patient. The patient stands facing a mirror so that the examiner can gauge their reaction. The entire length of the spine is examined using firm, closed-fist percussion. The clinical sign is positive when the patient complains of a sharp, sudden, fracture pain.
Supine Sign (81.3% sensitive, 93.3% specific)
The patient is asked to lie supine on the examination couch with only one pillow. The clinical sign is positive when a patient is unable to lie supine due to severe pain in their spine.
The physical exam signs are for informational purposes only, it should not be considered medical advice.
Based on below study (83 patients aged 72 and older):
Langdon J, Way A, Heaton S, Bernard J, Molloy S. Vertebral compression fractures--new clinical signs to aid diagnosis. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2010;92(2):163-166.
The below infographic was created by the International Osteoporosis Foundation.